How to Fix the .well-known/traffic-advice 404 in SvelteKit
Learn how to configure your SvelteKit server to handle requests from the Chrome Privacy Preserving Prefetch Proxy bot and prevent ./well-known/traffic-advice 404 errors in your application
Welcome to my little corner of the web where I share what I'm learning about shipping great products, becoming a better developer and where I showcase my passion for photography.
Most of the content on this blog is about Svelte. It's an awesome framework that I've been day in and day out for the last couple of years.
Learn how to configure your SvelteKit server to handle requests from the Chrome Privacy Preserving Prefetch Proxy bot and prevent ./well-known/traffic-advice 404 errors in your application
In this guide I’m going to show you how to get authentication up and running with Lucia. Where we will be using PlanetScale for our database needs, and Upstash Redis to handle sessions.
tRPC is a great tool for managing server-side procedures. However, it can be a bit tedious to import it in every `+page.server` file. In this article, I will show you how to optimize your code imports and avoid unexpected errors.